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Skinny Shot


Skinny shots, also known as lipotropic injections, are a mixture of amino acids, B vitamins, and lipotropic agents that are administered in the form of intramuscular injections to assist with weight loss in individuals with obesity. The shots are known to boost energy and speed up metabolism (chemical reactions in the body that convert the food we eat into energy), which in turn accelerates calorie burning and removal of unwanted fat from the body.



Skinny shots are a special formula of liver assisting nutrients that can aid in fat metabolism, hormone balance, and energy, which are all main functions of the liver. They contain a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and other ingredients apparently utilized to help with weight loss. Some of the most common ingredients in these shots include:

  • Vitamin B-6

  • Vitamin B-12

  • Vitamin B complex

  • MIC (a combination of methionine, inositol, and choline)

  • Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

  • Phentermine

  • L-carnitine

Benefits of Lipotropic Injection


There are no specific preparation instructions to receive skinny shots. In general, blood tests may be ordered, and you may be advised to stop smoking and taking certain medications for a defined period. Your practitioner will go over all the risks and side effects of these shots and obtain an informed consent. 


Skinny shots may be administered in the arm or other regions with excess subcutaneous fatty tissues like the buttocks, thigh, or abdomen. The shots are basically pain-free apart from a stinging sensation or a little prick observed when they are administered. The shots are usually given by a medical doctor or a dietitian in weight loss clinics or medical spas for energy and fat metabolism. Your medical practitioner may likely recommend shots up to twice per week for several weeks. This may be for a couple of months at a time or until you attain your desired weight loss goal. Your physical health, activity level, and age may all be factors in determining the frequency of your treatment. When taken in conjunction with a diet and exercise plan, skinny shots may help achieve up to a 5- to 10-pound weight loss.



You are normally recommended to implement the following measures post administration of skinny shots:

  • Try for a steady weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds each week

  • Get enough sleep (7 to 9 hours)

  • Manage stress

  • Exercise regularly

  • Cut down sugars and processed foods

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Follow a balanced diet

  • Follow a healthy lifestyle habit

  • Follow up regularly with your physician/dietitian 



Some of the main benefits of skinny shots include:

  • Provides increased energy

  • Boosts metabolism

  • Helps with weight loss

  • Prevents accumulation of fats in the liver

  • Metabolizes, transports, and gets rid of fat from the body

  • Balances out irregular hormone levels

  • Improves digestion, nerve and skin health, and overall well-being



Skinny shots are a very safe and effective weight loss alternative. The risks often depend upon the ingredients being used in the shots. For instance, different types of vitamin B such as B1, B12, B16, and amino acids, are not harmful in high doses as any excessive amounts simply get excreted through the urine. However, other ingredients used, such as phentermine, may possibly cause side effects such as:

  • Fatigue

  • Dry mouth

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

  • Anxiety

  • Incontinence

  • Insomnia

  • Numbness in hands or feet

  • Fluctuation in heart rate


Additionally, if these shots are administered in conjunction with an extremely low-calorie diet, you may experience:

  • Lightheadedness

  • Irritability

  • Jitteriness

  • Gastrointestinal upset

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Hunger pangs (hunger pains)

Myer's Cocktail IV

Are you looking to improve your health with an effective and efficient method? Look no further than the Myers Cocktail. This intravenous nutrient therapy delivers a wide range of vitamins and minerals directly to your bloodstream, providing optimal results. Developed in the 1960s by Dr. John Myer, the cocktail contains a unique blend of essential nutrients, including magnesium chloride, dexapanthenol, thiamine, riboflavin-5-phosphate, pyridoxine HCL, niacinamide, calcium gluconate, hydroxocobalamin, and ascorbic acid.


Immunity boosting
Preventative therapy for
cold + flu season
Reduction of fatigue
Sports performance enhancement
Hangover remedy


Get-Up-And-Go is a powerful IV infusion that provides your body with the essential nutrients it needs to thrive. This nutrient-rich infusion helps you burn fat, feel energized, and boost your metabolism. It delivers vitamins and minerals directly to your bloodstream, providing quick relief for a range issues, from anti-aging to athletic performance, cold and flu symptoms to headache relief, and much more. Try Get-Up-And-Go infusions to help you live your best life!


  • Immune System Strengthening

  • Anti-Aging

  • Athletic Performance & Recovery

  • Metabolism Enhancement

  • Hangover & Headache Relief

  • Cold and Flu Symptoms

  • Fatigue

  • Brain Fog

  • Enhance Bloodflow & Circulation


Semiglutide Injections

Semaglutide is a medication used to treat type 2 diabetes. It belongs to a class of drugs called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. Here are some benefits of semaglutide: 1. Lowers blood sugar levels: Semaglutide helps to lower blood sugar levels by stimulating insulin release from the pancreas and reducing the amount of glucose produced in the liver. 2. Promotes weight loss: Semaglutide can help promote weight loss by reducing appetite and slowing down the rate at which food leaves the stomach. This can lead to fewer calories being consumed, which can aid in weight reduction. 3. Reduces cardiovascular risk: Semaglutide has been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke in people with type 2 diabetes who have a high risk of cardiovascular disease. 4. Improves metabolic function: Semaglutide can improve metabolic function by increasing insulin sensitivity, which reduces insulin resistance and improves glucose uptake into cells. 5. May improve overall health: In addition to the specific benefits listed above, semaglutide may also improve overall health by reducing inflammation, decreasing liver fat, and improving markers of kidney function. Overall, semaglutide is an effective medication for managing type 2 diabetes and can also provide additional health benefits beyond glycemic control.


  • Curbs Cravings

  • Regulates Sugar Levels

  • Helps with Weight loss

  • Slows Digestion


Tirzepatide Injections

Tirzepatide is a type of medication that was developed to treat type 2 diabetes. This medication, much like it's sister drug semaglutide, works on the GLP-1 receptor, but tirzepatide also works on the GIP receptor. Some potential benefits of Tirzepatide are: 1. Improved blood sugar control: Tirzepatide is designed to lower blood sugar by targeting multiple pathways in the body. In clinical trials, patients who received Tirzepatide experienced significant reductions in their HbA1c levels compared to those who received a placebo. 2. Weight loss: Tirzepatide has been shown to promote weight loss in patients with type 2 diabetes. This effect is thought to be due to its ability to suppress appetite and increase energy expenditure. 3. Cardiovascular benefits: Tirzepatide has demonstrated potential cardiovascular benefits, including reductions in blood pressure, improvements in cholesterol levels, and a lower risk of heart attack and stroke. It's important to note that Tirzepatide is still undergoing clinical trials, and its safety and efficacy are not yet fully established. Patients should always consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new medication.


  • Curbs Cravings

  • Regulates Sugar Levels

  • Helps with Weight loss

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